
This Is Life. Follow me on my Journey!

Coming soon! I am a 23-year-old, Jack of all Trades, I've been a shaman for about 9 years now, after meeting an ancestor who showed me I'm a part of a long line of shamanic descent, suppressed by western culture. I never stop being open to being wrong, however as you'll come to find my shamanic journey includes my many principles of life that now have an Objective claim to them, that being said. Buckle up and enjoy!  I'm working the next 2 months to create all this content including a mini docu-series filmed and edited by myself (i have 2 years of Professional Production experience) the last thing I want to add before continuing to create and build this Blog, is I am influenced by people like Hamilton of Hamilton Pharmacia. I practice Mycology, as well as heavily study taxonomy. Recently I've been researching Clandestent setups of various (controversial) medicines.  After my savings finally hits ill be traveling around the world very much like Hamilton as I've s...